Meet Jackie and Tobias, the dynamic duo who take to the skies in their kit-built airplane, affectionately named Pocahontas. With a passion for adventure, they've traversed the western USA and Alaska, and now have their sights set on an epic journey all the way down to the southern tip of South America in 2024. Get ready to soar with them on their thrilling Overland Adventure!
Our favorite place is any remote location that is otherwise impossible to get to.
Our beloved airplane Pocahontas, a way to enjoy a coffee, and of course the best human adventure fuel on the market, Mountain House!
Flying to the bottom of South America!
Ambassador Picks
How to Become A
Mountain House AmbassadorWe're always looking for passionate adventurers to join our Mountain House Ambassador team! Share your expertise, make new friends and inspire others to get out there and responsibly enjoy the great outdoors.
We'll be looking for more Ambassadors soon! Follow us on social and be the first to know when applications open.